Curatio is a residue free curative and preventive biological fungicide based on Calcium polysulphide (Lime sulphur)
Curatio has a multiple mode of action based on a curative effect due to an alkaline reaction and a protective effect caused by elemental Sulphur which remains after application. Due to the unspecific mode of action no resistance is to be expected.

- Very strong curative effect during the primary ascospore period of scab
- Curative effect against Taphrina deformans, plum rust (Tranzschelia pruni), cherry leaf spot (Blumeriella japii), Shot hole disease (Coryneum)
- Comparable with curative chemical IPM products; can replace a resistant chemical curative product
- No risk of resistance due to unspecific mode of action
- Residue-free
- Avoids resistances in combined programs with conventional fungicides
- Good side effect to Marssonina, Sooty blotch, Powdery mildew
- Good side effect to mites
- Good efficacy against Cycloconium on olives